Banana French Toast Roll-Ups


Looking to add some excitement to your morning routine? Look no further than our Banana French Toast Roll-Ups recipe. This delightful twist on classic French toast takes the familiar flavors of bananas and peanut butter and rolls them up into a portable and delicious breakfast treat. Whether you’re serving them up for a leisurely weekend brunch or a quick weekday breakfast on the go, these roll-ups are sure to become a new family favorite. Join us as we share the recipe and show you how to make these irresistible Banana French Toast Roll-Ups.


  • 10 slices of sandwich bread
  • 3 ripe bananas, thinly sliced
  • 3-4 tablespoons of butter
  • 1 tablespoon of sugar (for sautéing bananas)
  • 2 eggs
  • 3 tablespoons of milk
  • 1/3 cup of sugar (for coating)
  • 1/2 – 1 teaspoon of cinnamon
  • Powdered sugar (for dusting)


  1. Prepare the Banana Filling: Heat a non-stick pan over medium heat and melt 1-1/2 tablespoons of butter. Add the sliced bananas and 1 tablespoon of sugar. Sauté the bananas until they turn golden and caramelized. Set aside.
  2. Prepare the Cinnamon-Sugar Mixture: In a small bowl, combine the remaining sugar with cinnamon. Set aside.
  3. Prepare the Egg Wash: In another bowl, beat the eggs with milk until well combined.
  4. Prepare the Bread Slices: Remove the crusts from the bread slices and flatten them with a rolling pin to make them more pliable.
  5. Assemble the Roll-Ups: Spread 1-2 teaspoons of the caramelized banana mixture along one edge of each bread slice. Brush the opposite side of the bread with the egg wash. Roll the bread tightly around the banana mixture, ensuring the roll is sealed.
  6. Cook the Roll-Ups: Melt 1 tablespoon of butter in a pan over medium heat. Dip each roll-up in the egg mixture, then place them seam side down in the pan. Cook the roll-ups in batches of 3-4, turning them to brown all sides evenly. Wipe the pan with a paper towel between batches to prevent burning.
  7. Coat the Roll-Ups: Once cooked, roll the warm roll-ups in the sugar-cinnamon mixture or dust them with powdered sugar for an extra layer of sweetness.
  8. Serve Warm: These Banana French Toast Roll-Ups are best served warm. Enjoy them as a delicious breakfast or brunch option that’s sure to please everyone at the table.

Serving Tips:

  1. Slice Before Serving: For easy serving, consider slicing the Banana French Toast Roll-Ups into bite-sized pieces before serving. This makes them more manageable to eat, especially for children or when serving a crowd.
  2. Serve with Maple Syrup: Serve the Banana French Toast Roll-Ups with a side of warm maple syrup for dipping or drizzling. The sweet and syrupy flavor of maple syrup complements the flavors of the roll-ups perfectly and adds an extra layer of indulgence.
  3. Garnish with Fresh Fruit: For a pop of color and freshness, garnish the serving platter with sliced strawberries, blueberries, or other fresh fruits. Not only does this enhance the visual appeal of the dish, but it also adds a burst of fruity flavor.
  4. Pair with Breakfast Sides: Serve the Banana French Toast Roll-Ups alongside other breakfast favorites such as crispy bacon, scrambled eggs, or a fresh fruit salad to create a well-rounded breakfast spread.
  5. Enjoy Warm: Banana French Toast Roll-Ups are best enjoyed warm and freshly cooked. Serve them immediately after cooking to ensure they retain their crispiness on the outside and gooey texture on the inside.

Storage Tips:

  1. Refrigeration: If you have leftover Banana French Toast Roll-Ups, allow them to cool completely before storing them in an airtight container in the refrigerator. They can be stored for up to 2-3 days.
  2. Reheating: To reheat refrigerated Banana French Toast Roll-Ups, place them on a microwave-safe plate and heat them in the microwave for 20-30 seconds, or until warmed through. Alternatively, you can reheat them in a toaster oven for a few minutes until they are warm and crispy.
  3. Freezing: While Banana French Toast Roll-Ups can be frozen, their texture may change slightly upon thawing. To freeze them, arrange the cooked and cooled roll-ups in a single layer on a baking sheet and freeze until solid. Once frozen, transfer them to a freezer-safe bag or container and store them for up to 1 month.
  4. Thawing Frozen Roll-Ups: When ready to enjoy frozen Banana French Toast Roll-Ups, remove them from the freezer and let them thaw in the refrigerator overnight. Once thawed, reheat them using the microwave or toaster oven until warmed through.
  5. Avoid Soggy Texture: To prevent the roll-ups from becoming soggy when reheating, avoid reheating them for too long or using too much moisture. Reheat them until just warmed through to maintain their crispy exterior and gooey filling.


  1. Can I use different types of bread for Banana French Toast Roll-Ups?
    • Yes, you can use different types of bread such as whole wheat, multigrain, or cinnamon swirl for variety. Just keep in mind that thicker slices of bread may require longer cooking time to ensure they are fully cooked.
  2. Can I substitute the peanut butter with another spread?
    • Absolutely! If you have allergies or prefer a different flavor, you can substitute peanut butter with alternatives like almond butter, Nutella, or even cream cheese. Choose your favorite spread to customize the roll-ups to your taste.
  3. Can I make Banana French Toast Roll-Ups ahead of time?
    • While it’s best to enjoy Banana French Toast Roll-Ups fresh, you can prepare the roll-ups ahead of time and refrigerate them before cooking. Simply assemble the roll-ups, cover them tightly with plastic wrap, and refrigerate for up to a few hours before cooking.
  4. Can I make Banana French Toast Roll-Ups without eggs?
    • Yes, if you prefer an egg-free version, you can skip dipping the roll-ups in the egg mixture. Instead, spread the peanut butter and place the banana slices on the bread, then proceed to roll them up and cook as directed. The roll-ups will be slightly less crispy but still delicious.
  5. Are Banana French Toast Roll-Ups suitable for a vegan diet?
    • While this recipe contains eggs, milk, and butter, you can easily make it vegan-friendly by using plant-based alternatives. Substitute the eggs with a flax or chia egg, use almond milk or another non-dairy milk, and use vegan butter or cooking spray for cooking. Additionally, choose a vegan-friendly bread and check that the peanut butter is vegan-certified.


With their golden crispy exterior and gooey banana and peanut butter filling, Banana French Toast Roll-Ups are the ultimate breakfast indulgence. Whether enjoyed as a special weekend treat or a quick weekday breakfast, these roll-ups are guaranteed to put a smile on everyone’s face. Follow our simple recipe to whip up a batch of these delicious roll-ups and start your day on a sweet and satisfying note.

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