
Mom’s famous cream puffs – a beloved treat that transcends generations, bringing joy with every bite. These delicate pastries, filled with luscious cream and dusted with powdered sugar, are more than just a dessert; they’re a cherished family tradition. In this article, we’ll delve into the history behind Mom’s iconic cream puffs, share her time-tested recipe, and provide insights on optimizing it for search engines.


  • 1 stick butter (8 Tablespoons)
  • 1 cup water
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • 4 eggs
  • 1c flour


  • 1 pint heavy cream
  • 1 package (3.4 OUNCES) instant vanilla pudding
  • ⅓ cup milk


  1. Bring the butter, water and vanilla to a boil.
  2. Add the flour and stir constantly until it leaves the side of the pot and forms a ball.
  3. Remove and cool.
  4. Beat in 4 eggs, one at a time until smooth.
  5. Drop by T. onto parchment lined cookie sheets
  6. Bake at 400 degrees for about 25-30 minutes.
  7. Slice in half and pipe or scoop in Mom’s filling.
  8. Dust with powdered sugar.


  1. Beat the cream, pudding powder and milk in a mixer until thick like whipped cream!

Serving Tips:

  1. Freshly Filled: For the best experience, fill Mom’s famous cream puffs with whipped cream just before serving to ensure they remain light and airy. This preserves the delicate texture of the pastry and prevents it from becoming soggy.
  2. Garnish with Flair: Add a touch of elegance to your cream puffs by dusting them with powdered sugar just before serving. This simple garnish not only enhances the presentation but also adds a hint of sweetness to each bite.
  3. Variety is Key: Get creative with the fillings for Mom’s cream puffs. While classic whipped cream is always a hit, you can also experiment with flavored creams, custards, or fruit preserves for a delightful twist on tradition.
  4. Serve with Style: Arrange Mom’s cream puffs on a decorative platter or tiered stand for an eye-catching display that’s sure to impress your guests. Pair them with a pot of freshly brewed coffee or a selection of teas for an elegant afternoon treat.

Storage Tips:

  1. Refrigeration: If you have leftover cream puffs, store them in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 1-2 days. Be aware that the pastry may soften slightly as it absorbs moisture from the filling, but they will still be delicious.
  2. Freezing: Mom’s cream puffs can be frozen for longer storage. Place unfilled cream puffs on a baking sheet in a single layer and freeze until firm. Once frozen, transfer them to a freezer-safe bag or container and store for up to 1 month. Thaw them in the refrigerator overnight before filling and serving.
  3. Reviving Staleness: If the cream puffs lose their crispness after storage, you can refresh them by placing them in a preheated oven at 350°F (175°C) for 5-7 minutes. This will help to restore their texture and revive their flavor.
  4. Individual Portioning: Consider portioning out the cream puffs before serving to make it easier for guests to enjoy. This also helps to prevent them from becoming soggy if they’re left out for an extended period.


1. Can I Make Mom’s Famous Cream Puffs Ahead of Time? Absolutely! You can make Mom’s cream puffs ahead of time by baking the pastry shells in advance and storing them in an airtight container at room temperature for up to 1 day. Fill them with whipped cream just before serving to maintain their light and airy texture.

2. How Far in Advance Can I Fill the Cream Puffs? For the best results, it’s recommended to fill Mom’s cream puffs with whipped cream just before serving to prevent them from becoming soggy. However, you can prepare the whipped cream ahead of time and store it in the refrigerator for up to several hours before filling the pastry shells.

3. Can I Freeze Mom’s Famous Cream Puffs? Yes, you can freeze Mom’s cream puffs for longer storage. Freeze the unfilled pastry shells on a baking sheet until firm, then transfer them to a freezer-safe bag or container for up to 1 month. Thaw them in the refrigerator overnight before filling and serving.

4. Can I Use a Different Filling for Mom’s Cream Puffs? While Mom’s famous cream puffs are traditionally filled with whipped cream, you can certainly get creative with the filling. Consider using flavored creams, custards, fruit preserves, or even chocolate ganache for a unique twist on this classic dessert.

5. How Do I Prevent the Cream Puffs from Becoming Soggy? To prevent Mom’s cream puffs from becoming soggy, it’s essential to fill them with whipped cream just before serving. Avoid filling them too far in advance, as the moisture from the cream can soften the pastry shells over time. Additionally, store any leftover cream puffs in an airtight container in the refrigerator to maintain their freshness.


Mom’s famous cream puffs are more than just a dessert – they’re a symbol of tradition, love, and togetherness. With their light, airy pastry shells and creamy, decadent filling, these timeless treats have a way of bringing joy to any occasion. So why not honor Mom’s legacy and create your own batch of cream puffs to share with family and friends? With a little time and effort, you can indulge in the sweet satisfaction of crafting a beloved family recipe that’s sure to become a tradition of your own.

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