
Embark on a culinary adventure with Pizzagna – the perfect harmony of pizza and lasagna flavors. This innovative dish combines the essence of both classics, featuring layers of no-boil lasagna sheets, rich pasta sauce, gooey melted cheese, and a medley of irresistible pizza toppings. Join us as we guide you through the steps to create this delectable fusion that will delight your taste buds.


  • 6 No Boil lasagna sheets
  • 1 jar of preferred pasta sauce
  • 2 cups shredded mozzarella cheese
  • ¾ cup pepperoni slices
  • ¾ cup Canadian bacon or cooked pizza sausage


  1. Preheat oven to 350°F.
  2. Spray a 9×9 baking dish with nonstick cooking spray.
  3. Dice pepperoni and Canadian bacon slices. You can also use cooked sausage or any other preferred pizza topping.
  4. In the baking dish, pour about half a cup of pasta sauce and spread it evenly on the bottom.
  5. Layer two lasagna noodles with a little room in between. They will spread in size as they cook and absorb liquid from the sauce.
  6. Spoon a thin layer of sauce onto the lasagna sheets.
  7. Sprinkle a generous layer of shredded cheese and pizza meat onto the lasagna sheets.
  8. Cover with two more lasagna sheets and repeat the layering process: sauce, cheese, meat, and two more lasagna sheets.
  9. Finish the final layer with a little more sauce, lots of cheese and meat.
  10. Pour extra sauce around the sides of the assembled pizzagna to ensure all sides of the pasta sheets are covered.
  11. Cover the baking dish with foil and place it in the oven on a middle rack.
  12. Bake the pizzagna covered for 35 minutes.
  13. After 35 minutes, remove the foil and bake for an additional 15 minutes.
  14. Remove from the oven and let cool for at least 10 minutes.
  15. Cut and serve.

Why Pizzagna?

  1. The Best of Both Worlds
    Pizzagna offers the comforting flavors of pizza and lasagna in every bite, creating a unique and satisfying dining experience.
  2. Easy Assembly
    With no-boil lasagna sheets and simple layering, this dish is easy to assemble, making it perfect for a quick and delicious meal.
  3. Versatile Toppings
    Customize your Pizzagna with your favorite pizza toppings, adding a personal touch to this fusion masterpiece.


Q1: Can I use regular lasagna sheets?
A1: Yes, you can use regular lasagna sheets if no-boil sheets are not available. Cook them according to package instructions before layering.

Q2: Can I make Pizzagna ahead of time?
A2: Absolutely! Prepare the dish up to the baking stage, cover, and refrigerate. Bake when ready to serve.

Q3: Can I freeze leftovers?
A3: Yes, you can freeze leftover Pizzagna in an airtight container for up to three months. Reheat in the oven or microwave.


In conclusion, Pizzagna is a culinary masterpiece that brings together the best elements of pizza and lasagna. With its simple assembly and rich, satisfying flavors, it’s a dish that will become a favorite in your kitchen. Follow these steps and treat yourself to the delightful fusion of Pizzagna!

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